Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Smoking in BARS...??What is the point in going!

Well as a smoker I am completely outraged by this new ban on smoking in bars and restaurants. Any smoker/drinker will tell you..the reason for going to bar is so you can do both. You cant drink without having a smoke! That is just ridiculous. All it does is makes you irrated and want to cuss out the bartender for telling you to go outside! Restaurants, I am not so mad at. I mean I dont want to smell ciggarrette smoke while I am eating. So that I agree with but a bar. I mean there is a expectancy of smoke at a bar. Therefore if you are a non smoker than you know your risk going in. People have been smoking since colombus landed his ass on plymouth rock..and all of sudded it is a problem. Shit is going to happen people. You can run and ban this and that but truth is if it is meant to happen it will. How bout a mandatory ban on sex without a condom or marriage. See what happens then. The one damn thing we have they tax the hell out of it for punishment. There are so many other things you can punish people with outrages taxes. Coffee, Tea, Beer, those damn "go green" something else..stop picking on us! They are exploiting the fact that if you are a smoker you are going to pay 10.00 a pack for ciggarettes because you have a habit. Therefore the government is getting over on that. Its like charging a baby 2.00 extra for every pamper he uses in one day. He has to have them so why not milk it for all its worth. Then there is word of making it a crime to smoke around minors..ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! So now the government is telling us how to raise our kids? WTF! What about pregnant mothers who are addicted to nicotine..get pregnant and still smoke? What then? Lock up the crack head mamas who abandoned there kids to whereever and steady had them....that is a damn crime. No you shouldnt smoke around kids..but that is up to each family and not the governments place. What next..cant drink a damn beer around your kids, cant have sex in the house if your kids are still home..UGH. The government has and always will frustrates me. They focus on the damnest shit..but the real items are overlooked and not even glance at. Well to all the bars in Virginia....your business will go down. I know a few people who dont smoke and those who do..aint about to sit in no bar without a can stay home for that..of course unless you have minors under 18 around......

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